Welcome to my blog.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hello. I'm Abby.

Hello blogland. I'm Abby. So I just moved into a new apartment. Can I tell you how much I hate moving. It is nice to be able to get rid of junk but I have the hardest time letting things go. I'm kind of a pack rat. I had lived at my old place for about 2 years and its CRAZY how much crap you can accumulate in that amount of time! Roommates are such a weird concept. A group of people who, for the most part, don't know each other, sign up to live with each other for an extended period of time. You have no clue who these people are, whether they are crazy, creepy, or any other cr word. I've definitely had a menagerie of roommates over the years. It leads for an entertaining life. Anywho...At last, after many late nights of packing, loading, unloading, carrying up 3 flights of stairs to my new place, cleaning, and more packing, I am finally settled into my new place and loving it... A place to call home.. A place where the people know my name.

So yesterday I went to the women's expo and was amazed at how many dumb diet fads there are! They all claim to be able to help you lose a million pounds in 2 days. For most of them, you will be able to lose weight while you are on the diet. The HCG for example. I think since anorexia was invented it has been clear that consuming only 500 calories a day is going to lead to drastic weight loss. If you are only eating that many calories for 40 or so days, you are going to drop that weight. However, when you start to eat again like a normal human being, some of that weight is going to come back. You haven't made any lifestyle changes, you've just starved yourself for 40 days.

Don't mind my random rantings. Well...pretty excited to be on the blog band wagon. Hopefully I can think of something interesting or at least entertaining to fill this up with. Til next time.


  1. I love guav :) I hope you are loving your new place!

  2. I had no idea you had a blog! I can't wait to blog stalk you all the time...now you just need to post more!
